A small bouquet for a loved one, a lavish set up for an event or just a small rose for a Valentine – being a florist is like being a painter. Your job is to catch feelings and tell stories through flowers. It’s magic!

Getting a much-needed business loan for your small business, on the other hand, can be anything but magic. Dealing with traditional banks is a hassle and can really cramp your creative energy. Our unique Florist Business Cash Advance is designed to give you the boost you need – to your business and your creativity.

How can I apply for a business loan?

Through an easy and simple application process, a business loan ranging from £500 to £100,000 can be on your account in just 7 days. All you need to do is fill in a short form explaining your business and your income. After the reviewing process and making sure you’re eligible, we’ll set up a comfortable percentage for you that will be taken from every future transaction made through your card machine. That way you’ll be paying off your loan as you go and as is convenient for you.

Will I be able to pay back the loan?

Our aim is not to make you forever indebted to us. It’s understandable that small business’ need time to grow and we want to give you the time and investment for it. Your repayments will happen on a day-to-day basis and without you even noticing. If you wish, you can always check your outstanding loan amount online at all times.

All of our loans are unsecured, therefore all of your assets are safe and you don’t have to worry about a bank taking away your car or house. We also don’t smother you with hidden costs or unnecessary extra fees. We like to keep things simple and honest.

Seems to good to be true? But it is! If you are ready to take your business to the next level then fill in our application form.

What if I don’t have a PDQ card machine?

Don’t worry, we also provide more traditional business loans that will not require a card machine. The application process is just the same – easy, fast and transparent.